Health is something that each and every one of us is searching for. Who doesn't want to be healthy? To be healthy is to have to the body in homeostasis. Homeostasis is defined as: "the tenancy of the body to seek and maintain a condition of balance or equilibrium within its internal environment, even when faced with external changes."
Our body should be able to filter out the toxins we are exposed to each and every day without any sort of discomfort at all. Our bodies are designed to heal itself when it's presented with the right circumstances. When we give our bodies real wholesome foods that have grown in the ground or has been picked from a tree or is naturally occurring in nature, our bodies are able to nourish our cells and tissues, that our organs and systems are made from, which allow them to function optimally. When our body is continuously faced with toxins both internally and externally, our body is naturally equipped with a filtration systems that work together to maintain health. These systems/organs include your kidneys which filter through our urine, our gastrointestinal tract which filter through our feces, our lungs which cleanse through deep breathing (such as when you exercise or meditate) and our skin which filters toxins when we sweat. When we drink 1/2 our body weight in water daily (supporting our kidney's), feed our bodies nourishing foods (enabling our GI tract to eliminate properly), exercise and or meditate (allowing our lungs to filter out toxins) and sweating daily allowing our skin to expel toxins, then our body is able to eliminate those toxins easily. HOWEVER, if our filtration systems are not able to function optimally, then toxins build up in our body creating extra stress on our livers. Most of us know that our livers job is to filter out toxins, but that is only just one of the many jobs the liver does (for more information on liver functions, visit my instagram @holisticmommabear and check out my post on liver functions) If the liver has to pick up the slack and filter the toxins that the other filtration organs and systems were meant to help out with, then the liver is unable to function optimally. Another important job of the liver is to create bile which is then stored in the liver to be released to aid in digestion as needed. If the liver is not able to create enough bile because it is too busy filtering all the extra toxins that were left in the body, then digestion is affected. What are some signs and symptoms of digestion issues?
Think of our bodies as the galaxy, the toxins as the Dark Side and nutrition as the Jedi. If we are constantly fueling the Dark Side with processed foods, sugars, then the Jedi have no chance on winning? If we start feeding the Jedi with nourishing wholesome foods, and antioxidant rich foods are the Jedi's force, then we build the army of Jedi, the Dark Side won't stand a chance. A healthy body is like a galaxy at peace, which side are you fueling?
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AuthorI'm Elizabeth and I love cooking! When my son was faced with many different food allergies, cooking became very challenging. Now I like to educate people about what they are putting in their mouth as well as inspire others that cooking healthy allergen friendly foods are easy and delicious. For recipes, visit my Instagram account @holisticmommabear Archives
March 2020
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